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Drying methods and equipment advantages of wood drying kiln

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At present, wood drying kiln is the most commonly used wood drying equipment, also known as wood drying kiln. This article mainly introduces the wood drying method and the advantages of wood drying kiln. There are many methods of wood drying, which are usually divided into two categories: natural drying and artificial drying.

1. natural drying

The timber is piled up in an open field or ventilated shed, and the air is used as a medium of heat and moisture transfer. The heat of solar radiation is used to gradually discharge the moisture from the wood to a certain degree of drying. This drying method is called natural drying, also called atmospheric drying, or air drying for short.

The drying degree of air-dried wood is limited by natural conditions, and varies with regions, seasons and tree species. Generally, the water content can only be reduced to about 10-20%, so as to meet the atmospheric equilibrium water content, and can not be any lower, if the final water content is required to lower the artificial drying.

2. artificial drying

Artificial drying refers to the drying conditions suitable for wood drying in a certain equipment, such as temperature, relative humidity, air circulation speed, etc. or other heating and dehumidification methods to make wood dried under artificial control. Artificial drying can ensure the quality of drying, shorten the drying time, and meet the drying requirements of various uses, even some special requirements.

The following commonly used artificial drying methods are introduced.

Wood drying kiln is the most commonly used artificial drying method. Kiln drying is to put wood in a special building structure or metal structure of the drying kiln, artificially control the temperature of drying medium, relative humidity and air circulation speed, mainly using convective heat transfer of gas medium for wood drying.

The advantages of wood drying kiln are:

1. Any final moisture content required to dry can not be restricted by natural conditions.

2. It has mature drying theory and process technology to ensure dry quality.

3. Compared with air drying, the drying cycle is short, the production efficiency is high, and the floor area is small.

4, the equipment is not too complex, long service life, safe and reliable, and good economic results.

  • Next How to maintain the dryer during the daily use?
  • Part One What is the basic principle of wood drying?

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